Top 20 Sales Incentive Ideas to Stoke Your Sales Team's Motivation

June 4, 2024
Snigdha Parghan
Snigdha Parghan
Snigdha Parghan
Decorative image: Aesthetic background with abstract shapes and colors.

Our brains are naturally wired to seek rewards. When we achieve something, dopamine, a feel-good chemical, surges through our system.

This creates a positive association with the action, making us want to repeat it. And you want your sales team to exceed targets repeatedly, right? Incentives essentially trigger this motivation in your sales team. 

Guess What? IRF found that 90% of top-performing companies use recognition and rewards to motivate their sales teams and channel partners.

You don’t want to be in the 10% that misses out on this strategy and leaves money on the table, right?

So yeah today, I’m here to explain why you should pay attention to employee incentive programs.

I also have the reliable top 20 sales incentive ideas to share with you ideas that will make your team say "WOW!"

Chill,  they won’t be heavy on your wallet, & will give your sales team the motivation boost they need!

Scroll, Scroll!

Let's scratch the surface of Incentives

Incentives typically refer to rewards or motivators that drive specific behaviors or actions.

These rewards can be monetary or non-monetary, ideally whatever works for the team.  Sales incentive plans are the friendly encouragers cheering teams along the way.

Why Incentives Matter More Than You Think

Ever wondered what sets Fortune- 500 companies apart?

A recent IRF article, “Ten Things Top Performing Companies Do Differently”, revealed some surprising commonalities exist among these Fortune Top 500 companies:

  1. Higher Payouts.
  2. Stronger Belief in Non-Cash Rewards and Recognition

It's fascinating to see how these top performers prioritize employee motivation through incentives.

 → What’s in it for you?

If they've done it, so can you!

If you also aspire to join the ranks of the top performers, adapt their strategies to upturn employee motivation and get there. Incentives are super important, and you can't skip them!

3 Hacks for a Well-Rounded Incentive Structure that Celebrates Success

3 Hacks for a Well-Rounded Incentive Structure that Celebrates Success
  • Align Incentives with Company Goals & Individual Motivators

    Don't just reward sales volume. Consider factors like customer satisfaction, team collaboration, and achieving specific company objectives.

  • Balance Short-Term Rewards with Long-Term Engagement

    Don't neglect ongoing motivation. While cash bonuses are great for immediate wins, consider incorporating non-monetary incentives and long-term rewards.

  • Create a Culture of Recognition & Celebration

    Public recognition and celebrations reinforce positive behaviors and achievements. Celebrate milestones, individual wins, and team successes.

Rethink Sales Incentive Ideas for a Motivated Team!

I've noticed how many sales leaders, HR admins, and decision-makers need help with brainstorming new sales incentive ideas.

And to them, cash rewards seem to be the quickest fix—it's the default option when there's just no time to spare.

I hear you on the frustration with sales incentives.

It does get tricky sometimes!

But boy, wouldn't it be refreshing to shake things up a bit?

Good news! I’ve found, some appealing sales incentive ideas, so you don’t have to.

Top 36 Irresistible Sales Incentive Ideas to Steal Right Away!

Top 36 Irresistible Sales Incentive Ideas to Steal Right Away!

Get ready to see the difference from #day 1.

Save these tried & tested game-changing sales incentive ideas and thank me later! They're guaranteed to be a hit with your sales team and amplify sheer motivation, peak performance like never before.

  1. VIP tickets to concerts, sports events, or theater shows
  2. Adventure experiences like skydiving, hot-air ballooning, or zip-lining
  3. Spa days or wellness retreats
  4. Paid attendance to industry conferences or workshops
  5. Subscriptions to professional magazines or online learning platforms
  6. Personalized career coaching sessions
  7. Weekend getaway packages to luxury resorts or spa retreats
  8. Cultural immersion trips to destinations abroad
  9. Travel vouchers for booking personalized vacations
  10. Exclusive dining experiences at top restaurants
  11. Cooking classes or gourmet food tours
  12. Private chef-catered dinner parties
  13. Bonuses for reaching milestone anniversaries
  14. Customized company-branded merchandise
  15. Recognition in the company newsletter or annual report
  16. Hobby-related gifts like art supplies, musical instruments, or sports equipment
  17. Subscriptions to niche magazines or interest-based clubs
  18. Access to exclusive events related to their interests

Let’s dive into the details:

  • VIP tickets to concerts, sports events, or theater shows-
    Treat your team to VIP experiences at their favorite events.

  • Adventure experiences like skydiving, hot-air ballooning, or zip-lining-
    Offer thrilling adventures to satisfy adrenaline junkies.

  • Spa days or wellness retreats-
    Provide relaxing spa days to help your team unwind.
  • Paid attendance to industry conferences or workshops-
    Invest in their professional growth with conference or workshop tickets.

  • Subscriptions to professional magazines or online learning platforms- Keep them ahead in their field with educational subscriptions.
  • Personalized career coaching sessions-
    Boost their career with advanced coaching sessions.

  • Weekend getaway packages to luxury resorts or spa retreats-
    Reward them with a luxurious weekend escape.

  • Cultural immersion trips to destinations abroad-
    Offer unique travel experiences to broaden their horizons.

  • Travel vouchers for booking personalized vacations-
    Give them the freedom to choose their travel adventures.

  • Exclusive dining experiences at top restaurants-
    Treat them to a night out at a top-notch restaurant.

  • Cooking classes or gourmet food tours-
    Delight the foodies with cooking classes or food tours.

  • Private chef-catered dinner parties-
    Arrange an intimate, chef-prepared dinner party.

  • Bonuses for reaching milestone anniversaries-
    Celebrate their loyalty with milestone bonuses.

  • Customized company-branded merchandise-
    Give them stylish, customized company gear.

  • Recognition in the company newsletter or annual report:
    Highlight their achievements in company publications.

  • Hobby-related gifts like art supplies, musical instruments, or sports equipment-
    Cater to their hobbies with thoughtful gifts.

  • Subscriptions to niche magazines or interest-based clubs-
    Connect with their personal interests through niche subscriptions.

  • Access to exclusive events related to their interests-
    Offer entry to special events that align with their passions.

Hold on, there are a few more for you:

  1. Wedding or baby shower gift packages
  2. Personalized gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions
  3. Gift cards for home improvement stores or furniture shops
  4. Gym memberships or fitness class subscriptions
  5. Meditation or mindfulness app subscriptions
  6. Healthy snack delivery service memberships
  7. Family vacation packages or theme park tickets
  8. Childcare subsidies or flexible work hours for parents
  9. Family photo sessions or portrait paintings
  10. "Work from anywhere" weeks
  11. Unlimited paid time off for top performers
  12. "Birthday off" - an extra day off on their birthday
  13. Matching charitable donations to their favorite causes
  14. Volunteer paid time off for community service
  15. Company-sponsored charity events with employee participation
  16. Latest smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch
  17. Noise-canceling headphones or home assistant devices

High-tech home appliances like smart thermostats or robot vacuums

Let’s take a glance at each one of them:

  • Wedding or baby shower gift packages-
    Celebrate life milestones with thoughtful gift packages.

  • Personalized gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions-
    Make special occasions memorable with personalized gifts.

  • Gift cards for home improvement stores or furniture shops-
    Help them upgrade their living spaces.

  • Gym memberships or fitness class subscriptions-
    Promote health with gym memberships or fitness classes.

  • Gym memberships or fitness class subscriptions-
    Promote health with gym memberships or fitness classes.

  • Healthy snack delivery service memberships-
    Provide healthy snack options delivered to their door.

  • Family vacation packages or theme park tickets-
    Create family memories with vacation packages or theme park tickets.

  • Childcare subsidies or flexible work hours for parents-
    Support working parents with childcare help or flexible hours.

  • Family photo sessions or portrait paintings-
    Offer family photo sessions or custom portraits.

  • Work from anywhere for weeks-
    Allow them the flexibility to work from anywhere for a week.

  • Unlimited paid time off for top performers-
    Reward top performers with unlimited PTO.

  • Birthday off-
    Celebrate their special day with a paid day off.

  • Matching donations-
    Double their impact by matching donations to their favorite causes.

  • Volunteer time off-
    Encourage giving back with paid time off for approved volunteer work.

  • Company charity events-
    Foster teamwork and social responsibility with company-sponsored charity events.

  • Tech gadgets-
    Reward achievement with the latest smartphones, tablets, or smartwatches.

  • Productivity tools-
    Enhance their work environment with noise-canceling headphones or smart home assistants.

  • Smart home upgrades-
    Improve their home life with high-tech appliances like smart thermostats or robot vacuums.

Wrapping it up: Let's leave you with this!

So there you have it – a smart sales incentive program is hands down the best tool for strengthening employee motivation. PERIOD!

  • Want to retain top talents?
    Sales incentives will do the job.

  • Want to motivate sales teams?
    Sales incentives will exactly do that.

  • Want to create employee engagement?
    No one can do it better than Sales incentives!
  • Want to boost revenue constantly?
    You know it, sales incentives have got your back!

So you see, a good, well-structured sales incentive program is the answer to everything and beyond.

It can do wonders and will help you achieve your vision in many possible ways.

Go ahead, and use these creative and high-impact sales incentive ideas to pump up your team to a whole new level!

Happy sales! :D


Snigdha Parghan

Snigdha Parghan is a content writer and SEO analyst at Kennect, with extensive experience in B2B digital marketing. She specializes in creating insightful and impactful content for various industries, including SaaS, Marketing, and IT. She uses her creative flair and innovative approach to transform industry jargon into relatable and meaningful narratives that resonate with both audiences and business objectives.


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Excellent blog about using sales coaching to improve the typical sales onboarding process! For more information please read the blog:


Loved the tips on effective sales coaching For more information please read the blog:

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