Conversational Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Sales

February 28, 2024
Sheetal S Kumar
Sheetal S Kumar
Sheetal S Kumar
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Conversational Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Sales

The organizational anthropologist Judith Glaser has long years of experience with high-profile companies and research in various fields including linguistics, neuroscience, human behavior, and development. 

The culmination of all these interactions and studies was her book Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results published in 2013.

In the book, she explains the effect of holding a good conversation has on your life and work. A conversationally intelligent person understands the relevance of conversations in human development and connections. 

Conversation intelligence is integral to your workspace as engaging conversations fosters trust in your conversation partner. Building this communication and trust will thereby create better coordination between leaders and employees leading to enhanced understanding and growth. 

With so much of the organization's operations and growth relying on holding good conversations and having conversational intelligence, let's explore the topic in depth to understand its relevance in sales and enhancing the closing of deals. 

So scroll down for more. 

What is conversational intelligence software?

Conversational intelligence software is applications and platforms equipping computers to understand, interpret, and respond to human language naturally and conversationally. It facilitates communication between humans and machines through spoken or written language. 

Conversation intelligence technology is implemented in applications like virtual assistance, chatbots, customer support systems, etc. It helps make the interactions seamless and human-like thereby enhancing the overall customer experience. 

Additionally, by aligning revenue operations with sales operations, conversational intelligence enables a holistic approach to customer engagement, integrating insights from various departments to optimize processes, enhance collaboration, and ultimately drive revenue growth, fostering a more comprehensive and effective sales strategy.

Why is conversational intelligence important to sales?

Conversational insights provide a range of benefits to sales development. Let us explore why incorporating conversational intelligence is important to your sales: 

Improved Customer Engagement

Conversational intelligence insights empower Salesforce to facilitate effective sales conversations by seamlessly adapting to customer language, context, tone, and sentiment, ensuring personalized interactions that resonate deeply with their needs and preferences.

Enhanced Relationship Building

Conversational intelligence enhances the relationship building between the salesforce and the client. It helps in understanding their communication style, adapting the sales approach accordingly, and thereby developing a rapport with the customers. These insights and initiatives will thus establish trust between the sales rep and the client and thus enhance their customer experience. 

Effective Communication

Conversational intelligence tools analyze and interpret customer queries in real-time. This helps sales reps to make prompt responses with relevant information and address customer concerns diligently. This timely and efficient response will enhance the effectiveness of communication and overcome the potential barriers in the sales process. 

Personalization and Customization

Conversational intelligence tools help understand the nuances of customer interactions and make personalize the sales approach. This involves tailoring the messaging based on individual preferences, attracting their attention effectively, seamlessly closing the deal, and ensuring a satisfying customer experience. 

Efficient Sales Process

Conversational intelligence can automate routine tasks like query management. When automation tools take care of the messages efficiently, sales reps can better focus on their sales strategies and processes like building stronger relationships with the client, making the sales journey seamless, and enhancing the overall sales process.

Data-Driven Insights

Conversational intelligence software serves as an invaluable tool, providing sales intelligence that equips sales reps with the data-driven insights needed to adapt their strategies, anticipate client needs, and foster more impactful sales conversations, ultimately driving better outcomes for both clients and sales teams alike. 


Leveraging the power of AI sales forecasting, conversational intelligence offers real-time insights into shifting customer behavior and market dynamics, enabling sales teams to proactively adjust their approach and capitalize on emerging opportunities, thus staying ahead in the ever-evolving sales landscape. 

Conversational intelligence equips the sales force with valuable insights to make their messaging engaging, personalized, and efficient. This helps in building stronger and trustworthy relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction, and contributing to business growth. 

For further reading, check What Defines a Successful Sales Campaign? Key Elements to Consider?

How does conversational intelligence help you win more deals?

Conversational intelligence significantly contributes to winning more deals in sales by enhancing communication, understanding customer needs, and building stronger relationships. 

Let's explore some of these ways of winning more deals: 

Personalized Interactions

Conversational intelligence provides insights to sales reps on how to engage with prospects on a personal level. It helps understand the client’s individual preferences and behavior to personalize their sales approach and ensure customer satisfaction. 

Real-time Adaptability

Conversational intelligence provides real-time analysis of customer interactions and helps sales reps maneuver through their customer interaction strategically. Understanding the customer's tone and mood will help the salesforce to address their objections promptly, provide necessary information, and ensure a successful sales process. 

Enhanced Customer Understanding

Incorporating tools that gather customer data and insights is a great advantage in strategizing the sales journey. The collected information helps understand the customer needs, requirements, and challenges and address these issues effectively. It ensures a customer-centric approach that sells by trying to help the customer resolve their issues and reach optimal results. 

Efficient Follow-ups

Conversational insights help make targeted and relevant follow-ups on potential clients. When customers seem stuck in a particular stage of the sales pipeline, this gathered data helps sales reps to make personalized messaging, share relevant information and resources, and bring momentum to the decision-making process for a quicker conversion rate. 

Building Trust and Rapport

The most important factor for emphasizing conversational intelligence examples is to imbibe the skill of making natural and meaningful conversations. It helps build trust and rapport with the customer which is a huge decisive factor in the decision-making process and positive impact on your overall sales process. 

Streamlined Customer Support

Conversational intelligence can be applied not just during sales interactions but also post-sale. It can enhance customer support by effectively addressing their queries and contributing to overall customer satisfaction. Such quick and efficient responses will help in customer loyalty and repeat business. 

Conversational intelligence thus empowers the sales team to understand, adapt, and strategize customer interactions to create a positive and effective customer experience.

For further reading, check Boost Your Sales: The Ultimate Guide to Sales Management. 

Final Thought

When Judith Glaser formulated her theory of Conversational intelligence, she was more concerned about the human-to-human interactions between leaders and employees. But with technological advancements, it has been upgraded to another level where software platforms can guide through an effective conversation. 

Especially in sales, where customer interaction has a huge impact on overall growth, the salesforce must be trained in leading interactive and engaging conversations with their potential clients. 

They must be able to imbibe interest in the product, communicate the relevant details and benefits of the product, and lead them smoothly through the sales pipeline for a fast conversion process.   

The way you communicate with your customers, address their challenges, and handle their objections have a decisive impact on your sales process, your brand image, and your overall business growth. Hence, it's a skill that you must ensure to imbibe in all your salesforce for positive sales. 

To read more about these sales-related topics, visit For more information, Book A Demo NOW!


Sheetal S Kumar

Sheetal is a content strategist and writer at Kennect. She has extensive writing experience in content marketing and research, focused on small business enterprises and B2B Saas. She is passionate about creating engaging and insightful blogs while exploring the power of content and social media.


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